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My client paid tax owing in Oregon in 2020 and now we need to amend the return. There is no where to put the $$ paid to get it back.

My client did not send me their property taxes paid in 2020 and since they were to their $10K max I didn't ask.  I found out this year that they do deduct from Oregon.  (the only Oregon client I have).  So I told them I would file an amended return.  The paid $398 in OR tax last year and the property tax added in gives them a refund of $288, but that does NOT include the $398 the paid.  I did the math 3 times.  I cannot find anywhere on the 540 or the amendment worksheet where to put that $398 that was already paid and should be returned.  It just shows the refund from their tax liability minus their withholding.  I have spent more time on this reading OR pubs and searching online then I will be getting in a fee.  But....things like this bug me.  There has to be somewhere to add it so they get their refund plus the $398 they paid last year.  Their tax liability went down by $686 and it is only showing the $288 refund.  HELP!  What am I doing wrong or what am I missing?

0 Cheers

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