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My client issued a 1099 to their babysitter. Do they need to report this on their end on the tax return?

Level 4
I am not sure if it would be considered a child care credit?
0 Cheers
4 Comments 4
Level 14
Level 14

They do not have to report on their tax return, and in fact they did not have to issue a 1099 in the first place. If otherwise qualified they can use the expense for the child care credit assuming the babysitting was to work or go to school

Level 15

Out of curiosity did they hire a contractor or did they have a household employee?

Slava Ukraini!
Level 4

It was a contractor.  For household employees, I believe they have to issue a W2? Is that correct?

0 Cheers
Level 14
Level 14

Correct, a household employee is issued a W2