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Married Filing Separately - No Spouse SSN

Level 8

Client is filing married filing separately.  She meets all the requirements for that status.  Spouse will not provide SSN and she does not have a copy of her prior return.  Is the only option here to paper file?

15 Comments 15
Level 15

No way for her to get copy of prior year from the preparer?

I can't imagine not knowing your spouse's SS#.  

Will it efile if you disable error checking ? 

Level 15

I’m going to go with paper if you can’t twist someone’s arm to get the Social Security number 

Slava Ukraini!
Level 8

Thanks for the response IronMan....she says she can't get it and doesn't know it.  🙄


I'll attempt disabling error check and see what happens when I'm ready to file.  

Level 11

Contact his attorney to speak to her attorney to get the required SSN.  It'll only cost $3,000 of lawyers fees but you'll have your answer.  What able adult does not know their own Social Security Number or have it on some piece of documentation somewhere?  I think we know why they're filing married-separate.

Level 15

"What able adult does not know their own Social Security Number or have it on some piece of documentation somewhere?"

I think the able adult knows her SS#.  It's Prince Charming that is causing the problem.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

this is why i try to avoid mfs - spiteful problematic. remember: you have right to refuse service to anyone.

Level 15

I always dig into "who has the paperwork" such as old W2 and paystubs, checking account and credit applications, medical coverage, any online account where you can see who is authorized or a beneficiary, even a mortgage or car loan. Anything that would be reported to a credit agency will have full SSN. I love it when someone separates, but isn't bothered digging out their part of the legal paperwork that was part of that "family."

"Level Up" is a gaming function, not a real life function.
Level 15

@dkh remember IRS regulations say we are required to give them "A" copy of tax returns. "A" is singular, not plural. Had an MFS 🤡 that I gave him his copy. He then called me a couple of months or so later and wanted another copy and claimed he couldn't find the original copies. After that, he asked again later, and I gave him his THIRD copy. Three copies, and I still  haven't been paid from the clown for the original tax return, and I didn't charge him for the extra copies. How is that for gratitude? We are not a copy service, one copy is all we are required to give to them.

Level 15

@PATAX   I don't give a second copy for free and I would never give a second copy to a client that hasn't  paid for the services of the first return.  I'm b!tchy like that.....lol

Godfather's client should have the right to ask for a copy (for a nominal fee) of last year's return from whomever prepared that return.  Problem solved.

Level 15

I don't charge for extra copies.  I mumble about it, but I don't charge.  As far as asking the tax preparer, what if Prince Charming did the return himself on Turdddotaxx?

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

@dkh yeah you are smarter than I am. I thought he was okay, but he turned out to be a clown. But it won't happen again. As the old saying goes: "Burn me once shame on you, burn me twice shame on me".

Level 15

Ahhh @PATAX   not smarter .....just meaner   hahahahaha

Level 15

@dkh I am catching up.....PITA clients are bringing out my mean streak.😉

Level 9

She can get a copy at IRS.gov if she registers an account

Level 8

Thank you. 

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