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Accumulated depreciation not rolling forward

Level 3

Hi all,

Client had about 50 fixed assets placed in service last year (2021), no section 179, no bonus, most assets are 5-year property.  I rolled the client to this year - I see all the asset entry worksheets with all the assets.  But only current depreciation is calculating - the accumulated depreciation column is blank for all assets.  Did I miss a step when rolling the client over?  Or something else I'm missing?

Thanks in advance!

0 Cheers
7 Comments 7
Level 11
Level 11

Did you check asset history?

If at first you don’t succeed…..find a workaround
Level 9

Date placed in service may be the cause

0 Cheers
Level 14
Level 14

If you transferred client early (Jan) program doesn't work very well. Most of the experienced users wait until client come in before transferring, Try deleting client, and transfer again. 

Level 3

Prior depreciation is showing up in asset history.  It's just not showing up on the depreciation report.  Strange...

0 Cheers
Level 3

I would try deleting and transferring again, but I've already paid (pay per return) to get the business extension file.  I don't want to have to pay again for the same client.

0 Cheers
Level 11
Level 11

What you see is what you get. Asset enters worksheet shows current depreciation…. Asset history shows accumulated and history by year. You can print reports if you need them. 

If at first you don’t succeed…..find a workaround
0 Cheers
Level 3

Yes, the workaround was manually entering accumulated depreciation in each asset entry getting the amounts from asset history.  Just not understanding why the amount wouldn't feed automatically, reducing risk of manual entry error.

0 Cheers