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March 15th Efile Failure for s corp/partnerships

Level 5

So I efiled s corps and partnership last week, and the home base shows accepted as it only shows federal, I go in to the return it shows a bunch of errors after it was efiled that it was not there before.

Secondly, the NC state were not efiled and there is no note on Rejection, it just went back to cycle as if it were never efiled. What a nightmare, I had to now go to each one of my returns to make sure they were efiled correctly because I can't seem to trust what the home base says. 

I efiled s corps and partnerships yesterday and they were accepted, but the ones last week, on NC, they were not and again not listed on reject whatsoever so there was no help to catch these failures .

Proseries, i hope you do better next year. 

0 Cheers

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