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Iowa State tax return error

Level 1

I am getting an error in tax return check for Iowa state return 2024. The error states "Return has more than 1 copy of Form IA 4562A" "TurboTax does not support this information to be filed electronically". 

Is this a bug in the software? I have not seen this before.  Help please.

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5 Comments 5
Level 2

Been that way for years.

Level 8

@IaPonyGirl  You have posted your question on the ProSeries board.  Does Turbo Tax have a user board?

Level 15
Level 15

I think you may be in the wrong place...this forum is for tax professionals using Intuit's professional tax software, it appears you may be looking for DIY help.

Please visit the TurboTax Help site for DIY support, they may be able to help you.

Level 1

Not one that I could find, but I may be looking in the wrong place. I've been using TurboTax for decades, but have never used the boards. Thanks for your reply 

0 Cheers
Level 1

Thanks for your reply, I've never been flagged for this in the past, so I guess I'll need to go back and see what specific forms were created the last few years. This year should be no different, but the interface changes every year and maybe the way I entered the information this year resulted in forms being created differently 

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