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IF > THEN Logic for Taxpayer Being Claimed As Dependent On Another Return

Level 3

When a taxpayer enters Date of Birth, it should trigger some logic.

I enter the birth date of the taxpayer, which should trigger the IF > THEN to determine if the taxpayer was claimed as a dependent.

I would think that once the birth date is entered, if it is within the potential age range to be claimed as a dependent, the software should prompt this check box as an error that is on the information worksheet.

For Illinois, this has implications on the state return, as a taxpayer claimed as a dependent on another return is not eligible for the state exemption.

Currently, the check box asking if taxpayer can be claimed as a dependent on another return is not being prompted.

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1 Comment 1

Hi Troy.  That is a great suggestion.  We'll share with the development team.

But for now, the way the return is designed to be handled.  Go to the Federal Information Worksheet and complete all applicable entries. This includes the checkboxes for dependent of someone else. Then proceed to the other forms on the return.

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