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2018 Proseries Third Party Designee information is not populating in the Info Worksheet.

Level 1

Federal Information Worksheet, Part V, Return Preparer and Third Party Designee Information.  Preparer code is entered and all of the Preparer information is in Firm/Preparer Info tab.  Third Party Designee box is checked.  Designee name, phone number and PIN do not populate.

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1 Best Answer

Accepted Solutions
Level 13

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that ProSeries has the correct way to do it for 2018.

On the "front" of the 1040 Postcard next to the Paid Preparer info there is a checkbox for when the preparer is also the 3rd Party Designee.  On my test return that is correctly checked when I check the box on the Info Wks.  The "new" instructions for that line in the Info Wks say "if checked, do not complete designee information".

I *think* Schedule 6 is only required if you're using a non-preparer 3rd Party Designee, in which case you'd NOT check the box for preparer and fill out the three fields for name, phone, pin, then voila, Schedule 6 appears.


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14 Comments 14
Level 13

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that ProSeries has the correct way to do it for 2018.

On the "front" of the 1040 Postcard next to the Paid Preparer info there is a checkbox for when the preparer is also the 3rd Party Designee.  On my test return that is correctly checked when I check the box on the Info Wks.  The "new" instructions for that line in the Info Wks say "if checked, do not complete designee information".

I *think* Schedule 6 is only required if you're using a non-preparer 3rd Party Designee, in which case you'd NOT check the box for preparer and fill out the three fields for name, phone, pin, then voila, Schedule 6 appears.


0 Cheers
Level 1
Reading is fundamental!  Thanks for pointing that out.
0 Cheers
Level 13
It's a "learn as we go" year!  I'm pretty sure the draft 1040s I looked at in July are different than the drafts now (and there may still be some changes before the new forms/schedules go final!)

I'm sure there are plenty of bugs out there (or features that haven't been programmed yet) so don't be shy, call 'em when you see 'em!

0 Cheers
Level 15
So you are saying Intuit did have a safe landing on Mars.  Good for them.  I just hope they don't get too excited and step out on to the surface of Mars without their space suits - unless of course they have already found the oxygen machine left behind by the aliens.

Slava Ukraini!
0 Cheers
Level 13
Yeah, this one looks good.

199A...not there yet.  1040 Wks does more harm than good IMO (but there's still time for them to fix it...I'm not holding my breath though!)  But the 3rd party box / Schedule 6 piece of it seems to work well.  I actually like that S6 doesn't show up until you've filled in all three fields (name, phone, pin).  I have a couple elder clients where the daughter is the 3PD instead of me.
0 Cheers
Level 8

Add it to the list... of reasons to wait to transfer

0 Cheers
Level 15
NASA engineers can send a hunk of metal 35 million miles through space, land on another planet, and then have the bucket of bolts send back a selfie.  Intuit engineers can't get preparer information from one spot to another in the software :frowning:
I know, I know, it isn't a finished product yet.

Slava Ukraini!
0 Cheers
Level 15
Well, writing tax software is not rocket science, is it?

The more I know the more I don’t know.
0 Cheers
Level 15

You made me have to pull out the Far Side again ------------------------ but that's ok since it is one of my favorites.

Slava Ukraini!
0 Cheers
Level 1

2019 ProSeries third party desginee information is not carrying forward to form 1040.

The information sheet has the appropriate information in it, and it does carryforward to the state return.

Why not to form 1040?

0 Cheers
Level 1

nvm! If the paid preparer is the 3rd party designee, a box is now "X" by the paid preparer signature line. Name. phone number, PIN etc is only applicable if the third party designee is NOT the preparer.

0 Cheers
Level 2

It is Feb 2020 and mine still does not populate correctly.  

I have all updates and all my info is filled out correctly.  I have used ProS for several years.  I have searched all possible fields in options.


0 Cheers
Level 3

Same issue for PA state returns. I got the federal field to fill, but the state return shows my name as 0

Yes, zero.

0 Cheers
Level 4

ProSeries Basic 2020

Uncheck box paid preparer is 3rd party designee and filled out prepper information


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