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Level 7

Taxpayers ex claimed HOH and dependent 

Taxpayer has his own home. Makes more than ex and pays child support. Court ordered he gets her every other weekend. 

Can he file HOH? He pays $250 a week child support and ex makes $400 a week working. 


0 Cheers
3 Comments 3
Level 7

He also pays the dependents health insurance

0 Cheers
Level 15
Level 15

HOH can only be claimed by the person with whom the child lives with for over half the year.

Level 15
Level 15

If he only has the child every other weekend, the best he could get would be to claim the child as a dependent and get the CTC, but the custodial parent (the one the child lives with more than half the year) would need to sign an 8332 releasing the child's dependency to him. 

The custodial parent would still qualify for HOH and and child care credit for that child, only CTC can be released to he non-custodial parent.
