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Form 8825 information does not transfer into 2021- any ideas on why?

nancy lynn
Level 2

When I transfer a partnership all information for Form 8825 does not transfer including all assets. I have done all updates to this date.

0 Cheers
7 Comments 7
Level 11

I have done 2 1065's and everything transferred on both of them. Are you having the problem with multiple clients or just one?

0 Cheers
Level 15
Level 15
Did you transfer the files into 2021 earlier in December and are just now going to work on them? Sometimes early transfers miss a few things.

nancy lynn
Level 2

I transferred today immediately after the updates.  Thanks. 

nancy lynn
Level 2

I’ve only transferred the one but I’ll see if it happens on another one. Thanks.

0 Cheers
Level 15
Level 15
have you deleted the file and transferred in again, maybe it was just a weird hiccup?

0 Cheers
nancy lynn
Level 2

Yes, I deleted it and tried again. Still no 8825 info.  I’m planning to try again tomorrow and try on more than one 1065. Praying it works. Not looking forward to entering all those assets again. Thanks.

Robin K
Level 1


Were you able to resolve this issue?  I'm having the same issue with a return that I'm trying to complete.  I thought it had to do with transferring to a new computer but even after downloading TurboTax 2021 on the old computer, this information still will not transfer.  Any insights would be greatly appreciated.

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