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Form 1099 Misc issued for FMLA

New Member

My client received a 1099 MISC for FMLA. Federal and state taxes were withheld.

ProSeries is requesting a schedule C.

How do I treat this form?

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3 Comments 3
Level 15

Proseries isn't likely *asking* for the Sch C.  It's more likely you entered it in the software indicating self-employment income.    

But I only speak Lacerte; a PS user will need to stop by with the specifics of where a 1099-MISC should be entered.



HumanKind... Be Both
Level 15
Level 15

Put it on 1099 MISC worksheet. click on the green ?, and type in 1099 MISC

Level 15
Level 15

enter it as a 1099MISC and check the Other Income box, Im not sure why people feel they're forced to choose Sch C, there are various choices available

