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Form 1095 allocation is over my head as is the explanatory site suggested by the response

Level 9

(Sorry, the details box didn't open when I tried to reply.) The spouses did not live together at all in 2022. Wife had always been the breadwinner. They filed jointly in 2021; the insurance agent who signed them up to ACA likely saw the 2021 return and included all three members of the family. What do I now say for the 1095 allocation -- which months to I indicate, when there were none. It seems that without the low-earning spouse in the picture, there is a huge repayment of the subsidy in my tax return. Wife is filing as Head of Household in 2022.

0 Cheers
2 Comments 2
Level 11
Level 11

Here’s the original post. https://proconnect.intuit.com/community/proseries-tax-discussions/discussion/form-1095-when-couple-s...

you might want to tag @TaxGuyBill again

If at first you don’t succeed…..find a workaround
Level 15

This is what the Instructions say:


Enter “0.50” in columns (e) and (g) of the appropriate line in Part IV to allocate the enrollment premium and APTC. Leave column (f) blank because you do not allocate the applicable SLCSP premium.

Instead, enter the SLCSP premium that applies to your coverage family on lines 12 through 23.


On the 1095-A worksheet, look at the section under line 33.  Enter (1) the SSN of the ex, (2) 01 (3) 12 (4) 50 (5) leave blank and (6) 50.

The go back up to lines 21-33 of the 1095-A worksheet.  Columns A and C should show what the actual 1095-A says.  But in column B, don't enter what the 1095-A says.  You (or the client) needs to look up the proper amount that applies to her and the kid (so not including the ex).  If the use the Federal Marketplace, that can be found here: https://www.healthcare.gov/tax-tool/#/