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File conversion

Level 2

Converting from PTO to Proseries for 2021.  PTO converts files to Lacerte format, BUT not via Lacerte backup process, apparently.  Proseries seems unable to accept the file (conversion wizard not recognizing them).  On the phone over 9 hours with “support” with a variety of folks from both Proseries and PTO.  They actually ended up suggesting I just re-enter them as new returns in Proseries.  Cannot get them to talk to each other.  Cannot get them to have me speak to developers, etc.  ZERO help from either side.  

i down,oaded the files with no problem to Drake demo, a competitor, vut cannot get them into Intuit’s own product from another one of their own products.

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7 Comments 7
Level 13

That's life. Intuit hasn't always owned Lacerte, and Pro Series uses a different software structure.

You'd think they would want to make it easier to convert to their MORE EXPENSIVE PRODUCT.

** I'm still a champion... of the world! Even without The Lounge.
Level 15

You have to contact support directly to get PCT (new acronym) to convert to another Intuit product. They do it internally and send it to you. https://proconnect.intuit.com/community/taxation/help/how-to-contact-proconnect-tax-online-for-help/...

Answers are easy. Questions are hard!
Level 2

Thanks for yiur response.  That is how the attempted conversion was done.  ProConnect converted my files to Lacerte backups, sent me a zip folder of all the files & ProSeries is not recognizing the files.  Neither support (ProConnect ir ProSeries) has been of any help and I can’t get to any higher level of suppirt or development

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Level 15

This describes the files that SHOULD be in the Lacerte backup.


Open C:\ConversionData to view the files that you backed up. A valid Lacerte backup looks like a Lacerte database folder and contains the following for each tax type:

  • 8 Database files with names starting with DATA and ending in .DBF.
  • 8 Database files with names starting with DATA and ending in .MDX.
    • For example, for Individual, you'll see DATA1I18.DBF–DATA8I18.DBF and a corresponding MDX for each. For Corporate, it'll be DATA1C18–DATA8C18.
    • It's OK to back up all clients into the same folder, as the file names differentiate by tax type.
  • Several folders, including DETAIL.
  • Within the DETAIL folder, one file for each client backed up, with an extension of .?D8, where the "?" represents the tax type.

A valid backup must contain the entire file and folder structure. The conversion process won't work if we receive only detail files.

From this link https://proconnect.intuit.com/community/convert-data-files/help/lacerte-backup-instructions-for-data...

Someone at Lacerte should be the ones to help you get those staight. 

Answers are easy. Questions are hard!
Level 2

I am trying to explain to everyone.  I do not have Lacerte.  I used PTO in 2020.  The PTO staff converted my PTO returns to Lacerte backup files and sent me a zip folder with a separate folder for each type of return.  They are not in c:\conversiondata.  They were not backed up by me from Lacerte.  Again, I do not have Lacerte.  They were backed up by the PTO staff as Lacerte backup files.  It is all within Intuit and I cannot find any ody at support who understands this, I cannot get the PTO folks, Proseries folks, or anyone else to speak to each other and help me.  Nobody at the low level I can get on the phone has the slightest clue.

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Level 15

@Jhaberman I understand you do not have Lacerte. I understand you use ProConnect Tax. I understand you have received less than adequate support from those that you worked with. I understand that your folder can be different. I would think you could see the files in the folder you do have. Do they match what is in the description I gave you. My suggestion is that a Lacerte support person might be able to convert what you have to what you need to do the conversion to ProSeries. 

You are speaking to other users here that are attempting to help you to get an answer. Maybe @IntuitBettyJo or @IntuitGabi can get you some help. 

Answers are easy. Questions are hard!
Level 2

I know everyone in the community is trying to help.  Unfortunately, the folks I can speak to and work this through with do not have the required knowledge.  The files you mention are the files in the zip folder sent to me by the PTO crew.  They are not in c:\conversion data - they are in the zip folder sent to me by PTO and sitting in that folder on my desktop.  I did try to copy all the files to c:\conversion data and Proseries still did not recognize the files.  I appreciate your efforts here!

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