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Efiling an amended state return when the original was done by someone else

Joel V
Level 3

I have a client who needs to amend their federal and NY 2022 returns. The original returns were done elsewhere by a different accountant. My understanding is that federal has to be paper filed because the system says I cannot e-file an amended return if the original was not successfully efiled, which I take to mean that I can't efile the amended federal return unless I also prepared and efiled the original return on my system, correct?

Also, NY says the amended return has to be e-filed. So, on the main info page I marked to efile both the NY state return and the NY amended return. Is this how I do it? When I click transmit returns it says the NY amended return is not ready because the NY return is not completed (I haven't efiled anything yet). I've never been in this situation where I have tried to efile and amended state return when I did not prepare the original and where I also am not efiling the amended federal return. Please give me some guidance as to how to do this?

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4 Comments 4
Level 3

I have efiled amended returns where I didn't do the original.  It is a pain.  I have recreate the original return, then add the 1040X to get it to accept.  It's the best solution I've come up with so far.  If it's related to a notice, contact the IRS and see if you can fax over a new/corrected return.  That's worked for me several times as well.

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Joel V
Level 3

So you recreate the original return and efile it and then create a new amended return and efile it? 

0 Cheers
Level 3

No. Recreate the return and check 'federal return filed successfully".  Then select "file amended return".  It should only file the 1040X.

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Level 1

I am currently working on an Amended return originally prepared by the taxpayer and I am still getting an error stating that I cannot e-file the federal amended return. I checked the box that the original return was successfully e-filed, then checked the box File Federal Amended Return electronically.

No success.

Suggestions anyone?

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