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Client letters pulling wrong info

Level 5

Has anyone else discovered this?

I have had multiple clients who brought it to my attention that what the letter says isn't exactly what was on the actual tax results which created confusing and distrust that the software is not working as it should?

For example the letter says the amount of tax due, but not the same as what's on the voucher. 

It says sign and mail return when it was electronically filed?


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4 Comments 4
Level 15
Level 15
I have not seen this happen....if its got the EF boxes marked the letter says it will be Efiled.

The state may be wrong if I havent switched over to it one last time after finalizing the return and printing, but other than that, my letters seem to print correctly.

Level 5


0 Cheers
Level 2

I have had a couple clients point out that their state refund/balance due was inaccurate. And I do wish it was a little easier to edit the letter.

0 Cheers
Level 11
Level 11

I print to file , so everything is in pdf form… if i need to edit i use adobe acrobat…. Much easier than PS editor.

If at first you don’t succeed…..find a workaround