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Client Invoice Format

Level 1

The name on my client's invoice shows as TAXPAYERFIRSTNAME and SPOUSEFIRSTNAME LASTNAME. How can I make it show the taxpayer's whole name on the first line and then the spouse's name on the second line and all in caps?

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5 Comments 5
Level 15
Level 15

I am using Professional, not Basic so Im only guessing they work similarly.


If TP/SP both have the same last name, it will automatically put them in the format you show above. 

You can add a blank space to the end of the spouse last name then it will print


In order to get them to print on separate lines, you'd need to go in and change the formatting on the client invoice/letter itself.

It will print in whatever case you have typed in the Personal Information section, if you have it typed in all caps, it will print in all caps. 


Level 1

Thank you very much for this information, Just-Lisa-Now. Is there at least a way to get the word "and" to type in caps?

0 Cheers
Level 1

Wanted to provide this KB just in case Lisa does not get back to you soon enough. 


Level 15
Level 15

No simple way that I can see. Im not sure how many editing options you have in Basic, but even in Professional, I'd have to fiddle with the editing more than Im willing to do to make it happen...see that line that says has the code @FDICLFullName   youd need to get rid of that and find the codes for each name individually and put them in it's place and insert an AND between the 2 codes.



Level 4

I answered my own question. I went to Tools-Billing-Edit Invoice



How do you get to the default Invoice to edit?

I'm using PS 2023 Professional

- Ky

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