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Client has 1095-C, return was rejected because IRS says they need to fill out an 8962?

Level 4

So this client says they never went on the ACA and they had insurance from their employer (1095-C shows that they were insured from January to August). However, the IRS is denying the return saying:

"The e-File database indicates that Form 8962 or a binary attachment with description containing "ACA Explanation" must be present in the return."

Is it possible that the gap from September to December has triggered something? Do I attach the 1095-C to the return as a PDF and then file it? The client says they never had insurance through the ACA.

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Level 15
Level 15

They may have tried to get a quote for marketplace and ended with coverage without realizing it, seems to be happening often to people....they wont cancel it for non payment, you have to call and cancel.

There is a 1095A out there with the SSN of someone on their return, they need to call healthcare.gov and find out what they have on file for them.
