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2/17/22 Updates

Level 2

Good morning, 

It's about 8am EST and I just logged in to run an update so I can get a pile of NJ clients off my desk but the NJ updates slated for today haven't hit yet. Does anyone know about what time of day they typically have the updates ready? It's appalling that these 'final' forms which never seem to look any different seem to take longer and longer to release each year. 

Don't get me started on the 1127 - 2/24 now?!??!

0 Cheers
3 Comments 3
Level 15

Today won’t end until midnight so they still have a lot of hours left to deliver that update.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

I doubt the west coast is up and going yet today.  I always add one day to whatever day something is supposed to be ready....allows for the time difference. Also allows for someone else to figure out if an update really works

Level 11

Updates for a few states that I monitor came out at different times during the day yesterday, and the 1040 was later. I think there is no set release time, so about all I do is hit the update button every few hours on a day where I think a release may come.