1040 efiling rejecting because "name control" does not match EIN.
Where is the name control input for 1040? I can find it for 1041
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It sounds to me like the error may be trying to tell you that the Name on the Schedule H does not match the EIN reported on the schedule H.
Thats what I was afraid of when I could not find the name control on the 1040 because its not hidden on the 1041.
Thanks for pointing me to the right tree to bark up.
That is actually not totally correct.
We have the name as confirmed by the IRS for that EIN, and it keeps rejecting. Talking with the e-file help desk at the IRS, they suspect it is a software problem, where ProSeries is not getting the name control right, and as you said, there is no way in ProSeries to see what they are using for name control on Schedule H.
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