Anyone else having issues with the Ohio School District summary not printing in the Client letter in the 2024 software?The school district code paragraph is in ... read more
How does one remove Form 1040-SR from one's life? It is a small bother when running the final review but a major hassle when i enter 1 to find the tax return an... read more
Does anyone know a way to enter a distribution from a foreign pension plan into ProSeries, report the amount properly on Line 5 of the Form 1040 as per the Inst... read more
Has anyone had an issue with DocuSign purchases. ProSeries extended the expiration date of Esignatures from the end of the current year to 3 years. In April of ... read more
How can I print an open form in ProSeries Basic? When I open a specific form and go to the toolbar and click on Print, nothing happens even though when I mouse ... read more
I have a client who is a resident of Ohio who received West Virginia Unemployment. West Virginia withheld $471 in state withholding. However, on the info worksh... read more
How does the software know the residency status of a tax payer?I have a client that has a social security card. It has a disclaimer at the top, and the social s... read more
Looks like we use Form 3468, but yowsers, there's a lotta stuff on 3468! When I scroll down to the Solar portion its asking me about Kilowatt capacities Ac and ... read more
Is anyone experiencing Section 179 Depreciation reporting on page 1 for Form 1120-S? It should not be reported on this page. It is reporting correctly on Schedu... read more
Hello,Trying not to panic here, but all of my clients have disappeared from Intuit Link AND I can't find a customer service number to call for tech support. Whe... read more