here is a serious problem b/t Fed 1120S and AR 1100 re depreciation, esp if there is a Sch F in Fed return. AR says "net income" does not agree and the only way... read more
On the 8936 entry in ProSeries for item 4a it asks the question: Did you transfer the credit to the dealer at the time of sale?On the Taxpayers form 15400, it i... read more
Can only one be attached?I attached the smaller one, I wish I started with the large credit. How do I delete the first small credit that I was able to attach as... read more
I have a client that divorce and they have two dependents. The father has one child as a dependent and the mother has the second child. The mother has the marke... read more
Elderly dementia client living in nursing home, working with his niece who is POA. The address used for his return up until now was his home, however house was ... read more
Are eSignatures in ProSeries accepted by the IRS? I have several clients that live out of the country and since their returns end up with $0 income I can't eFil... read more
Has anyone encountered this error when trying to install Proseries 2024 from download? I've updated 2023.A problem occurred during installation. The process can... read more
Hi to all,Client was 01/01/2024 - 09/24/2024 in CA and from 09/25/2024 -12/31/2024 in VAshe has a rental income in CA and rented from 11/01/2024-12/31/2024 when... read more
I updated ps24. I am now unable to print, preview or create pdfI am able to print prior year returns, ps21 through ps23If ps24 is uninstalled would the 2024 cli... read more
Curious if anyone else is seeing a slowdown in e-file acceptances today. I filed a client's federal and state returns last night and expected that at least the ... read more
I have just noticed that charitable gifts are supposed to be included on Form 709, because of the format change for 2024 - although it has been true for a while... read more
Client is switching from a schedule C to LLC partnership. They had depreciated items and more so real estate on that schedule C that belongs (or should) to the ... read more