You have not heard from me for a whiles and probly think I am not interested in what is going on. Well I have been following ou for a while it is just the thing... read more
I am encountering an issue in ProSeries when trying to file a joint return for a U.S. citizen who is married to a Jamaican citizen who has applied for a US Soci... read more
We have a client which is a foreign owned corporation, and we helped prepare the form 5472. Is the form 5472 e-filed together with the form 1120? or we need to ... read more
Someone please tell me in ProSeries how we are suppose to enter the 1099G that states tax year 2024, for the parental choice tax credit!I can't figure out how o... read more
Working on a client in 32 states. Filing extensions is a nightmare. Found this on the Drake Software website. I have not researched for accuracy so don't blame ... read more
I have a taxpayer with a small W2 income and no dependent child. He qualifies to claim EIC without a child except that he died in May. Does anyone know if death... read more
Just to confirm, if the client has an ITIN but provides a W-2 that has a SSN, which obviously won't match the ITIN. When entering the W-2 in ProSeries, you shou... read more
Have self-employed (Sch C) Net after social sec deduction $144,881. Also in W-2 and 1099R in the amount of $35,000, Spouse income via 1099R and W2 amount $38,00... read more
Hello all,I'm using proseries basic. I e-filed a return last week (3/6) and it was received by Intuit, sent on to IRS and NC, then it was rejected because IP PI... read more
When I go to e file a S-corp extension they are getting rejected because I dont know how many W-2's the client filed last year. I dont remember this being a req... read more
I have a client who was paid with etherium/crypto for a service. This is my first time working with crypto in general. I've indicated on the 1040 that they have... read more