I've been doing this person's taxes for quite a few years. He has 2 children and is disabled with a code 3 on his NYS Retirement 1099R. Every year since it's a ... read more
I have a client that has a Minnesota tax return and she has a 1099r and the program keeps wanting me to fill out info on the schedule M1QPEN. Is there a way to ... read more
Client rolled over $7,000 to a Roth from his MD 529 Plan. There were earning and basis as part of the distribution. The earnings should not be taxed or subject ... read more
I am not an expert in estate returns. This one to me seems a tad tricky to me when it comes to the correct #'s to use because of multiple owners and dates.The s... read more
Client has declined compliant health insurance from employer and purchased health insurance instead through the marketplace and received form 1095-A. Therefore ... read more
I received the following State Agency Tax rejection comment: The Primary Taxpayer (SSN) cannot match a previously accepted return unless the (Superseded Return)... read more
In 2024, a client quit claimed a rental property (that he owned for the past 5 yrs) to his parents for $10. The original cost of the property was $100,000 and a... read more
i am trying to complete the Ohio Form IT 4708 for a business return. The Proseries online forms availability page is showing that it is available, however, the ... read more
Can't change or edit the email template for esignature. It still says 2023 for the tax return year and I have to edit each one as I send it. I have always been ... read more
HELP ! I thought it would be easy to enter this sale of Timber by my Dairy Farmer ( $12K ) on Sch D, but I don't see a way in the software, since it's not a 109... read more
Am I required to print the SSN's of the partners on their K-1's in a partnership or should I be able to mask the SSN.Obviously it makes sense to show the SSN's ... read more