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Print prior year organizer from current year software

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Print prior year organizer from current year software


I don't understand why the 2023 organizer requires that you filed the 2023 return. I imported data from 2023 Lacerte, the program has all the information to start the 2024 return, but won't let me print the prior year worksheet because I didn't file the 2023 returns with proconnect. This is a similar problem to Lacerte itself, worksheets for this year were printed from last year's software, which seems completely backwards. The obvious workflow is to print the worksheet as part of the 2024 tax season so why not do it from the current software? If nothing else this makes it harder to transition from one program to another, if you start using Lacerte or ProConnect you don't have full functionality until the following year. It seems like this would make sense from a business perspective if nothing else.

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Level 15

Can you print the Organizers from 2023 Lacerte?

Level 15


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