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Improve Intuit Link Personalized Requests and Add Smart Tax Organizer Features

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Improve Intuit Link Personalized Requests and Add Smart Tax Organizer Features


Overall, I've been happy using Intuit Link as my client portal, but there are a number of improvements that would save accountant's a tremendous amount of time, specifically:

  1. The personalized Document Checklist leaves out key information that PTO has information for from the prior year tax return.
  2. It would be a huge time saver if it helped with obvious, repetitive tasks as detailed below.
  3. Implementing a "Smart Tax Organizer" that dynamically adjusts to client's questionnaire Reponses.

1. Requests for the following are omitted by Intuit Link in the Document Checklist:

  • Child care expenses and
  • Contributions to 529 College Savings Plans.

I've had to amend tax returns for missing this information because I was relying on PTO to help me create a personalized Document Checklist and for some reason these items are never included automatically by Intuit.

2. I spend a tremendous amount of time at the start of tax season customizing the request in Intuit Link for items that should be automated, including:

  • Removing requests for K-1 statements from partnerships or s-corporations that I will prepare the tax returns for - you could have a checkbox or other field to "exclude from Intuit Link requests" to solve this problem
  • Removing requests for 1099-INT and 1099-DIV statements from the same brokerage account that issues one consolidated 1099 statement reporting interest income, dividends, and stock sales on one tax document, not two separate 1099-INT and 1099-DIV forms - again you could have a field to "exclude from Intuit Link requests" and a field to request "1099" instead of "1099-INT or 1099-DIV"
  • Customizing engagement letters with (1) fixed fees for tax preparation fees and (b) listing what tax returns that I'm preparing - this could be solved with fields for each client that list the fixed fee and tax returns that I'm preparing (e.g. Personal Income Tax Return and S-Corp tax return for ABC Business LLC) for my client so I can set it once and not need to customize it each year before I can send the Intuit Link invite (or even if I want to change it, it should be pre-filled with the prior year data so I have a convenient reference to save time).

3. It would be helpful if Intuit Link acted as a "Smart Tax Organizer" by dynamically adjusting to answers on the questionnaire to request additional information or documents. Specifically, if Intuit Link could implement an "if yes, then request x document or add y question" to questionnaire responses. For example, I could create a question on the questionnaire asking if the client bought or sold a home during the year, if the client answers "yes" then Intuit Link could automatically request a copy of the settlement statement from the purchase or sale of the property in the Document Checklist. This would be useful for a lot of request items (e.g. charitable donations, cryptocurrency income, or various tax documents.) Or it could add a question to the questionnaire, like if they answer "yes" to a question asking whether they moved, it would ask them a follow-up question, like "what's your new address?" or "what date did you move?" Accountants could set up the predictable, "if yes, then request x" behavior just like how we already create the customized questionnaire.

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Level 1

Add IRS IP PINs to the list that the personalized Intuit Link Document Checklist ignores when it knows they taxpayers had a PIN number the prior year.

Level 1

Add Health Savings Accounts contributions (form 5498-SA) and withdrawals (form 1099-SA) to the list that the personalized Intuit Link Document Checklist ignores when it knows they taxpayers had contributions and withdrawals from HSA accounts in the prior year.

Level 1

Add: mortgage interest statements (form 1098) is completely left off of the Document Checklist if the mortgage interest is input in the Excess Mortgage Interest fields (for mortgage balances exceeding the $750k/$1M debt limits).

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