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On form 1065, how do I get rental depreciation to populate on line 16a, then back out on line 16b?

Level 1
I have seen on other returns where rental depreciation is listed on 16a, then backed out on 16b.  Loan underwriters look for this specifically and I can't get Proconnect to generate it like other software does.
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10 Comments 10
Level 15

I guess you will have to use that other software. I see no reason to report like that. 

I do see how to override 16a, but not 16b

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Level 2

I am having the same issue and wondering if anyone has a workaround? I need the depreciation from form 8825 Rental Real Estate to flow through to  lines 16a and 16b on the form 1065. 

0 Cheers
Level 2

Did you ever get this solved?

0 Cheers
Level 15

You could select Form 1 on all those depreciation items. That would take the total to 16a.

Enter that total depreciation as a deduction where it then should go, e. g.  Rental

Call support to find out how to get the figure on 16b and  come back here to share what you learn. 


Answers are easy. Questions are hard!
0 Cheers
Level 15

@Gotta287 wrote:

I am having the same issue and wondering if anyone has a workaround? I need the depreciation from form 8825 Rental Real Estate to flow through to  lines 16a and 16b on the form 1065. 


It doesn't belong on line 16, so you shouldn't put it there.

If an underwriter or someone else wants it there, the client may need to find somebody that knows where to look.

Level 1

You are incorrect.  It does belong on line 16a, then gets backed out on line 16b as "reported elsewhere on return".  All depreciation goes on line 16a, then gets backed out if it's on another form.  Lacerte and other tax software reports it this way, so are all of those incorrect?

Pithy answers don't help solve problems.

0 Cheers
Level 11
Level 11

Lacerte does not put all depreciation on page 1 Line 16a. The forms instructions specify that rental activity expenses should go on the Form 8825, not page 1.

I'm looking at my 1065 right now, where all the activity is on the 8825, and there are no entries at all on page 1 of the tax return.

Level 2

Thanks for the feedback. Thinking through this some more, it makes sense now that it wouldn't flow through to 1065 line 16a/b because it's tied to the rental real estate activity. 

Level 2

...And just to elaborate a little more on my logic :   Because the rental real estate activity (in my case)  is not meeting the criteria as a trade or business, then it doesn't belong on 1065 lines 16a/b. 

Level 15

@Gotta287 wrote:

then it doesn't belong on 1065 lines 16a/b. 


That's what I said.  😂