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I am using Pro-Connect I want to locate the Schedule C figure entered in line 9, I gone through my vehicle expenses and it doesn't add up to whats on line 9 Help

Level 2
I would like to ask where do I locate the entries for Sched C line 9.  My figures that I entered do not match the totals on line 9 Help
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5 Comments 5

Hi there,

The program allows you to enter line 9 vehicle expenses a few different ways (either on Deductions > Depreciation, on Deductions > Vehicle/Emp. Bus. Expense [2106], or directly on the Sch C screen you can enter an adjustment). 

The easiest way to track back how line 9 was calculated is to look at the form called Vehicle Exp. It will show the figures the program calculates. If that worksheet doesn't tie back to the total on line 9, pull up the Sch C on Check Return and click the blue box on line 9. It will show you all the various places you may have unintentionally made a double entry:
Screenshot 2023-03-15 at 10.30.29 AM.png

You can click on any of the blue text in that popup to jump to the related input screen. 

- Rebecca

Level 15

@IntuitRebecca  Gizmos are worthless?

Answers are easy. Questions are hard!

Hey now...this is one of my least embarrassing test returns 😅

0 Cheers
Level 2

Thanks Rebecca. I tried your method but still could not locate the difference in the Sched c 28,000 and my entries of 14,000

0 Cheers
Level 15

Where did you make entries? 

In Depreciation for the vehicle?

Form 2106 linked to the Schedule C?

You should like use Chat or call support so they can help you figure out how you DOUBLED the amount. I think you maybe made an entry directly into the expense line that double all the calculated amounts. One or the other - NOT BOTH. 

Notice the line "Car and truck expenses [Adjust]" The Adjust means it adds it to everything else entered in other parts of the program. 

Answers are easy. Questions are hard!
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