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Convert data from UltraTax to Proconnect

Level 1

I am in the process of transitioning from UltraTax to ProConnect and would greatly appreciate any guidance or tips from those who have done this before. Here are some specific questions I have: 

  1. Initial Steps: What are the first steps I should take before staring the conversion process?
  2. Data Export: How do I export data from UltraTax in format that ProConnect can import? Are there specific setting or options in UltraTax that need to be adjusted for the export? 
  3. Data Import: What is the process for inpoerting UltraTax data into ProConnect?

Thank you in advance for your help! 



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2 Comments 2
Level 15
Level 1

Thank you but I could not convert data. I will continue to try. Thank you again!!

0 Cheers