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Entering FBAR information, multiple accounts; same institution--Is there a faster way?

Level 1

Using Proconnect. When preparing an FBAR that has multiple accounts in the same bank, is there a faster way to input this information? The only way I know to do it is to add the information for each separate account. Is there a shortcut I'm missing (where I could carry the information over to a new page, and just simply change  or add the account number)? Right now I am cutting and pasting. 

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1 Comment 1
Level 3

Yes, agree, it's cumbersome. Why not have a data import from an excel/csv file for this?

Also the same account information is often re-used for the 8938, but when the bank names are the same, it's hard to distinguish which account to select from the drop-down FBAR list. 

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