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Form 6765 Research & Development Credit- electing payroll tax credit- incorrect carryforward to next year

On 2023 form 6765 for the R&D credit, when electing the payroll tax credit in Section D, the amount on line 44 moves to payroll form 8974, and any unused credit stays on form 8974.  However, ProConnect is showing a carryforward of the full amount of form 6765 line 44 to 2024 as shown on the General Information worksheet, Carryovers to 2024- General Business Credits.  (per the IRS 2023 form 3800 instructions this is incorrect).

Anybody figured out a way to remove the carryforward to 2024?  

ProConnect Team- can you put in for an update?  


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3 Comments 3
Level 15

Use Check Return > Forms > find the form then the box or line number you want. If it is shaded in blue - Click on that line or box and it will take you to the input area you need. 

This will work for what you want. 

Answers are easy. Questions are hard!

Thank you George4Tacks but this goes much deeper.  The Carryforward to 2024 amount is reported on a worksheet (rather than a form) so there are no blue click-through fields.

0 Cheers
Level 15

Make a note for your file to fix it next year.
