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EFIN Application not yet approved

Level 2

I just started my own firm and applied for an EFIN in a timely manner. It's taking the IRS longer than expected to approve my application. I have several returns ready to be filed, but can't file them without an EFIN. I'm trying to find a solution for this issue, and it appears the only option would be to find a 3rd party firm to e-file the returns on my behalf. Could I use another firm's EFIN with their approval?

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6 Comments 6
Level 15

No, you can't use someone's EFIN.

You could transfer the file to somebody that has an EFIN and let them e-file it.  However, I suspect you would need to disclose and/or get authorization from the clients to transfer their information to a third-party like that.

You could also give the clients a choice to either wait to e-file (hoping the EFIN will come soon) or to paper-file.

Level 2

Thank you for the feedback! What if I contacted another firm and made them an active user within my software temporarily until my application is approved? Trying to get creative and be in compliance at the same time. The IRS sent a notice suggesting it may take them another 60 days, and that puts me past the first deadline. 

Level 15

You could contact another firm and make yourself a preparer with their firm. That would put their info on the 1040.

Sorry you did not plan far enough ahead. You can do paper returns on your system and file the 8948 with each return.  See Electronic Filing > EF e-file PDF/Miscellaneous  > check the box  and give your excuse (EFIN processing is slow) or something that you are comfy with. 

Answers are easy. Questions are hard!
Level 2

Thanks for the input. Paper filing is the last option in my opinion, but if it's necessary, then I guess that's what I'll have to do. Just for the record, I submitted the application on December 6th and it should have been processed by January 20th (45 days), but unfortunately our government isn't very fast when you need them, only when you owe them. LOL!

0 Cheers
Level 15

@JFlynn12 wrote:

What if I contacted another firm and made them an active user within my software temporarily u


An EFIN is for a specific owner at a specific location.  You are not the owner and are also at a different location.  That means it needs to be filed by the other firm.

Level 2

Thanks again for the insight. I appreciate it! I have been preparing and filing taxes for over 12 years, but never was involved with the EFIN process, because I was an employee and not the owner. The IRS is putting me in a tough spot by not processing the application within the 45 day period. Either way, I'll figure it out and thanks again for your knowledge and expertise.