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E-filed in error

Level 1

The darn return just filed itself before I was done! 

Now I am faced with the not knowing the State Refund amount and will wait until the client gets it and tells me. Then I will be able to fill out the amended State

I will then file a State Amended return from a Federal Superceded Return. Any procedural advice for me is appreciated. What do I tell the client, how do I tell them about it. 


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12 Comments 12
Level 11

I dont mean to offend but how in the heck does ta return ew file itself? I never heard of such a thing. You had to hit the efile button by mistake.

Level 15

How do you not know the state refund amount?

I don't use ProConnect, but I'm sure you must be able to see or print the tax return after it has been filed.

Or are you saying you filed, then you made changes AFTER it was filed?

Level 15

Is this a new way of saying my dog ate my homework?

I use ProConnect Tax.  The darn return will never file itself.

Still an AllStar
Level 15

I think that’s how the new release of the Exorcist starts out ————- all of a sudden tax returns just start e-filing themselves😱

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

Jensen... even when you 'want' it to?

HumanKind... Be Both
Level 15

Early in my 'e-filing' career,  I had an employee who efiled the wong return in error.  ALL zeros's except for any carry-over depreciation, capital loss, etc info.   Which made it relatively easy to 'amend'.  Still major egg-on-face moment. 

HumanKind... Be Both
Level 8

I also accidentally e-filed the wrong return once, two clients with the same name (why people feel compelled to name their sons after themselves...). You just have to tell the client what happened, apologize and explain that, despite rumors to the contrary, tax professionals are human.

I changed my procedure to hold 8879s and file them the next morning after I've made a cup of coffee and the before the phone starts ringing.  And after I've checked email and voice mail for one of those messages about how they forgot to tell me they got married, had a child and started a business and we may need to change the return before sending it.

Level 11

I and most of the other preparers on this chat line agree with you. Yes we are human and as human mistakes are sometime made. But what I and the other preparers who have criticize the original  post is saying is that to say the tax return EFiled it self by mistake is just a crock.

Level 15

I’m not human, I’m a coyote.  I’ve never submitted a return by accident but it’s due to my total paranoia of doing that that I double and triple check myself and then do it again before I hit the launch button.  I lose about 2 pounds of weight on every launch due to the sweat pouring out of me while I am going through my countdown.  But I’ve made plenty of other mistakes————- you can check my old reruns if you don’t believe me🚀🧨

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

@IRonMaN I think there's an old return under your anvil.

Still an AllStar
Level 15

I interpreted OP's line as being funny, not serious.

We don't have a font for that, but there are emojis.

The more I know the more I don’t know.
Level 15

Pam.... I also sit on the F 8879 for a bit (24 hours or so, depending).

( I do think we may be twins separated at birth 🙂

HumanKind... Be Both