I filed original tax return; discovered error, created 1040x and having issues filing 1040x. When I attempt to file from return (rather than going to EF Center; message states "Federal Return not completed", although no errors detected when error function run.
EF Center EF Status states duplicate SSN/EIN & selecting "EFnow" results in Electronic Filing error "Another return with the same taxpayer SSN is present in the EF View. Do you wish to continue with the convert/transmission of this return? Selecting 'yes' results in message that the selected return is identical to tht of another return in Electronic Filing HomeBase view which has been e-filed. It tells me to open the return and modify the SSN/EIN so that it is unique and then reselect the return for conversion.
I need suggestions how to complete filing of amended return. Thanks in advance.
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Are you selecting the file that has Amended on the line in the EFCenter?
Thank you for responding. I think "Yes" - I am selecting file that I renamed with first 4 letters of last name + last 4 numbers of ssn (as assigned by proseries to which I added "amended" (without quote marks). Thanks again.
The EF Center "Amended" I referred to is listed in the EF Status column, I believe.
You could uncheck the E-file boxes on the Federal worksheet, open the state return, go back to the Federal and close it. It should remove that file from the EF Center and eliminate the duplicate SSN.
I'm not certain I completely understand. This is a state with no income tax so technically, there isn't a state, although it will let me select a state. However, before that, I'm on the Federal Information Worksheet and when I uncheck "File federal return electronically", error alert box pops up, telling me "Federal information Worksheet Amended EF - cannot electronically file Form 1040-X when the original return is not marked for efile in Part VI."
If you don't have a State return then skip that part. You should be unchecking the efile box on the return that has the red duplicate ssn message, not the amended return.
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