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Reminder message after tax file is transferred from a different computer

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Reminder message after tax file is transferred from a different computer


I would like the software engineer to add a reminder or an error message, to remind users checking the Firm Number/Preparer info after a tax file is transferred from a different computer.

A month ago when a client tax file was transferred, edited/reviewed, and ready to be e-filed, there was no critical diagnostic message at all. However, the e-filing was rejected with a message indicating preparer information was missing. 

First, we checked the preparer name and preparer info at the Options setting. Then, I spent at least an hour on the phone with a customer support agent who tried solving this problem by asking us to install the prep file, and checking a few other ways. Didn't solve the problem.

Lastly, the agent had to ask help from another agent who apparently has more experience. He/she found that the FIRM NUMBER shows a "2" (the previous preparer probably listed our firm as her 2nd firm. One hour of precious time was wasted only because we failed to choose the default firm number on the dropdown menu.  

I would appreciate Lacerte better training the customer support to be aware of this, and also add a reminder to preparers. 


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