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"Estimated" Underpayment Penalty or Underpayment Penalty (Estimated)

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"Estimated" Underpayment Penalty or Underpayment Penalty (Estimated)


A number of our clients have received unexpected and unexplained refunds from the IRS.   Even when the news is positive, some clients draw an inference that is our mistake.  We review the numbers and explain that the underpayment penalty on their return is an estimate and the IRS has the final say.  We also say that, despite following IRS guidelines and using their interest rates, there are a number of factors that impact how the penalty is calculated.

All this consumes valuable and expensive time.

Going forward, why not reword Underpayment Penalty to read "Estimated Underpayment Penalty" or "Underpayment Penalty (Estimated)"? 

 The same can be said for any penalty Lacerte calculates.  Perhaps an * (asterisk) can be used to denote that penalties are estimated.  The taxing authority determines the actual penalty and will notify of any changes.   



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