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Print payment vouchers as a separate option

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Print payment vouchers as a separate option


In the items to print, can we add the payment vouchers as a separate item?  Right now they only print automatically if you print the complete return.  As I move to a paperless, or a less paper office, I only print the 8879 filing instructions and invoice.  I need to also just print the 1040-v.  Right now I have to remember to go an print the 1040-V afterwards.  And I never remember.

So, basically, items to print need to change for this new less paper world.

Thanks for the idea to add the payment vouchers as a separate item to print. We are changing the status to "Open for voting" since it is no longer considered "New".

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Status: Open for voting
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Status changed to: Open for voting

Thanks for the idea to add the payment vouchers as a separate item to print. We are changing the status to "Open for voting" since it is no longer considered "New".

Continue to vote and comment on enhancements by going to the Idea Exchange Home page and select "Status": Open for voting, "Sort by": Most Popular >>>  Lacerte Idea Exchange

If you have any questions on the life cycle of an idea, check out our Idea Exchange Getting Started Guide for more information. 

New Member


It drives me crazy that there is no easy way to get the payment vouchers in a separate PDF or to shoot them to the top of the client copy of the return. Everyone is moving to paperless and making this simple change would save all tax preparers so much time! I want to click a button and send a PDF with the proper forms, there is no reason why this can't be implemented. 

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