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Partnership Module does not accept a partner with a Valid Social Security starting with '07'

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Partnership Module does not accept a partner with a Valid Social Security starting with '07'


I have been doing taxes for this individual for several years with the social security starting with '07' and had no issues.  

Therefore, I feel that LACERTE has to update the PARTNERSHIP module to accept a Social Security starting with '07' as LACERTE does with the INDIVIDUAL 1040 Tax MODULE.

Please get back to me ASAP and have someone to contact me!

Please contact me as soon as possible as follows:

Dr. Orlando M. Kohuloon

TaxOK Consulting Firm

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1 Comment
Level 15

The best you are going to do here is to get a janitor from Intuit to call you.  But if you post your phone number on a public website like this, God only knows who might call you so you might want to remove your phone number.  If you want to speak to a potentially living human being at Intuit, you need to call them.

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