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Organizer estmated payment due dates for each quarter needed.

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Organizer estmated payment due dates for each quarter needed.


On the 2022 Organizer it lists for Federal and State the following payments - Overpayment applied from 2021, 1st qtr payment, 2nd qtr, 3rd qtr & 4th qtr.

Problem is clients one or all of the following: Entering their 1/15/22 estimate for the 2021 tax year on the 1st quarter line because that is the one that occurs in the 1st calendar quarter.  And then continue to list the April payment for the 2nd (calendar) quarter and so on.  Finally clients don't enter their 1/15/23 payment for 2022 because it didn't occur during the 4th quarter of 2022.

Solution:  Change the wording for for the payments to include the due dates - i.e. "1st quarter payment due 4/18/22" and so on for 2nd - 4th quarters.  Since the year the "Overpayment applied from" year is changed every tax Organizer year (2021 above and will be changed to 2022 for the 2023 tax software)  the estimate due dates can also be changed each year.

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