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NYS Filing Separate Comparison

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NYS Filing Separate Comparison


Ultra Tax generates a Federal AND State Comparison for Married Filing Separate when Lacerte does Not!!

I recently found that i have many taxpayers in NYS who benefit from filing separately only on their state Return.   The Lacerte diagnostic/ comparison feature does not include this.  The only way to see if there is a benefit is to actually split the return and manually compare the state joint return to the combined results after splitting the return.  I am a long time lacerte member and i am so disappointed that other software companies have this ( what i consider) basic feature.

I am now faced with reviewing most of my returns to see if i missed benefiting my clients.

I would appreciate an answer from lacerte

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Returning Member

My sentiments exactly - I've been complaining about this issue forever. It makes absolutely no sense to have the federal without having the state. This is a no brainer

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