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New Missouri Form MO-PTE for pass through entities - Please add this form

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New Missouri Form MO-PTE for pass through entities - Please add this form


Missouri passed a law for 2022 allowing pass through entities to elect to be taxed by Missouri at the entity level.  The entity will be able to deduct this tax against federal taxable income whereas in the past this deduction was limited on the partner/shareholders personal return.  Most partnerships and Sub S corporations will be electing this.  Currently Lacerte does not support this one page form.  Please make this available for the 2022 tax season.  The return and payment are due April 18th. Other states already have this form on Lacerte with Illinois as an example.

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Please advise if the MO-PTE will be available on the Pro Series Professional tax software for the 2022 season or if we have to prepare this outside of the software

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