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Met-40 and MC-40 Form PIT-V

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Met-40 and MC-40 Form PIT-V


There are two new taxes in the Portland, Oregon area: The MC-40 and the MET-40. Lacerte has these forms and they work well if printed and mailed to clients.

While these forms cannot be filed electronically through Lacerte, there is an option to file these electronically on the City of Portland website.

If I file electronically and the taxpayer owes taxes, they must pay via a Form PIT-V. Lacerte does not offer this form for clients to pay the MET-40 or MC-40 taxes. I need to go online and manually type in the info for this.

Lacerte does offer this option for the City of Portland/Multnomah County Business Income Tax Return allowing users to "Force printing of Form BZT-V".

Please Lacerte, offer the option to force printing of the Form PIT-V

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Why not in pro series

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