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Married Filing Separate comparison vs. Married Filing Joint for State Returns

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Married Filing Separate comparison vs. Married Filing Joint for State Returns


Is it possible to generate a Married Filing Joint vs Married Filing Separate Comparison for the State Return in addition to the Federal comparison which is already available? Colleagues have shown me this function is available in MUCH lower priced competitor's software products. While the Federal comparison is available, in order to determine if there would be a tax savings at the state level, we currently must split the return and utilize another REP fee or use of a bundle return. It does not seem fair that we need to incur an additional cost just to see if it would be beneficial to file one way or the other. I have lost a client in the past due to this shortfall. On occasion, the savings obtained by filing separately on the state exceeds the benefit of filing separately on the Federal. At first glance, if MFS for Federal does not appear to have a significant benefit, one may not bother looking into the possibility that MFS status for the state may be more beneficial in total than filing as MFJ. 

Please add your votes and comments to this thread since it is amongst the recent top voted ideas : MFJ v MFS comparison

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Status: Closed
Vote now if this is a good idea
New Member

I second this!!!! 

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Status changed to: Closed

Please add your votes and comments to this thread since it is amongst the recent top voted ideas : MFJ v MFS comparison

Thank you for your participation! 

deb b
Returning Member

It would be a great feature for Lacerte.  Our fees are high enough without incurring extra REP fees and our time is limited enough without spending extra to split the return.  Please help us help our clients in less time

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