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LACERTE post 2017 NOL applied to current year returns should be automated with a worksheet to be attached to the return for electronic filing. This is not an option for the so-called top-shelf program sold by Intuit. Get this fixed now!

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LACERTE post 2017 NOL applied to current year returns should be automated with a worksheet to be attached to the return for electronic filing. This is not an option for the so-called top-shelf program sold by Intuit. Get this fixed now!


LACERTE post 2017 NOL applied to current year returns should be automated with a worksheet to be attached to the return for electronic filing. This is not an option for the so-called top-shelf program sold by Intuit. Get this fixed now!  We will be looking for other software providers that actually automatically calculate this and provide the government requested worksheets.

Status: New
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