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Jump to Form from Input Field

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Jump to Form from Input Field

Jim DiFilippo

I know there is a jump to input from the form view... how about jumping to the form (and having the affected line highlighted) from an input field?  That would make the software much easier to use/navigate, particularly when there are multiple similarly names data entry fields on one screen.

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Level 9

The program is not a Tesla. You have to do some of the work yourself. Tehee

Jim DiFilippo
Level 1

LOL... I switched to Lacerte from Drake after 18 years, I am used to doing almost all the work myself.

For clarity: In Drake there is ONE entry line for distributions on an 1120s.  Lacerte has 4, and apparently, 3 are overrides that don't flow anyplace except to a particular line.  If there was a Jump to Form feature I could figure out which of the 4 lines I need to use without getting on the horn to support.  (Or they could clean up their input fields a little.)


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