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have another Question About Schedule E- Federal

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have another Question About Schedule E- Federal


I just hung up from Earl who was great.  I still have a question about my problem.  

I was calling as the ROYALITIES  I entered weren't appearing on the FORM Schedule E but everything else was correct.  Earl told me I would have to change it from Royalties to RENTAL...well, that did help in posting the company addresses, but on  1b it changed the TYPE OF PROPERTY to 7 from 6  which is incorrect.  It, also, moved the amounts from LINE 4 to LINE 3...they are ROYALTIES NOT RENTS.   So HELP!!!!  


Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you,


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Agree with @mspetrofsky 

I would like the ability to have the Royalties appear in the address line.  It is for appearance, but helps the client and makes the Schedule E look complete and professional.

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