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Form 8283

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Form 8283


It seems the only way to e-file a tax return with Lacerte and have a charitable donation over $5,000 from a vehicle is to send a Form 8453 and to MANUALLY fill out a Form 8283.  I find it hard to believe that Lacerte will not generate this form and at least let me print it out to be attached to the 8453, that I have to go to irs.gov and manually print the form.

It appears in the software that this is possible, but you will just get critical errors and caught in a catch 22 loop that will not let you make pdf attachments and will not generate the forms you need.

I spent over 2 hours on the phone with customer service to find this out, hopefully it will save you a couple of hours!

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1 Comment
Level 15

In most cases, shouldn't you already have a filled out 8283 from the client?

The appraiser needs to sign it.  So generally wouldn't the client and/or appraiser already fill out the form to give to you before you start their tax return?

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