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Fiduciary return NOL worksheet

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Fiduciary return NOL worksheet


For Form 1041, I've had a critical diagnostic for a quite while, saying that page 1 of Federal NOL worksheet is not included in this version.  Could you please provide an estimate of when this might be included?

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Level 1

I am having the exact same issue. Contacted Lacerte 3-times and absolutely no answers. Most recent about 10 minutes ago (1pm / 2/23/2023) was with a supervisor that said there is no indication when, or even IF, this form will be provided. Suggested we file the return incomplete of this form.

Level 3

Appears we can't efile the return until the problem is resolved.

Level 1

For what it is worth, we e-filed the return over a week ago. Since Intuit is not giving us guidance on an expected date for the worksheet we didn't feel we could hold up the trust beneficiaries just for a worksheet. The e-file did go through. Guess we will find out later if IRS request the NOL worksheet.

Hope this helps.

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