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Fiduciary Organizers

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Fiduciary Organizers


As we come to an end of this year's tax season, I will renew my annual program enhancement suggestion for Fiduciary Organizers.

Individual Organizers put the Questionnaire after the Client and Dependent information.  This makes sense for reasons I should not have to list here.

Fiduciary Organizers put the Questionnaire BEFORE the Client information, which is very awkward and necessitates pulling those two pages and reinserting them after the Client and Beneficiary information in order to send the client a document that looks like it was prepared by professionals rather than someone in grade school.  This makes no sense and there is no option in the program to change this order.

It would be really nice if Lacerte would acknowledge that putting the Questionnaire at the beginning is really dumb.  If it was a brilliant idea, you would also do it for Individuals.  And it should't take more than about three minutes of programming effort.

I have been tilting at this windmill  for over a decade, but hope springs eternal.

Please correct the Fiduciary Organizer output order to put the Questionnaire after either the Client Information or the Beneficiary Information.  (I personally think after the Beneficiary Information would be best, but at this point I'll accept just about anything that alters the status quo.)

Mike Stone



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