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corporate transperancy act

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corporate transperancy act


Please add the compliance for the corporate transparency act.


You must file your Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) Report within 90 days of your approved business registration.

This new federal law took effect on January 1st, 2024, to provide transparency to the government of all beneficial owners of the business.

You must file this report on time to avoid hefty $500 daily fees for non-compliance.

Learn more about the Act and why you must file your BOI Report.


I think Lacerte as a world class manufacturer of tax software should provide input screens to satisfy this new requirement.


I would appreciate it if the software development team would pay some attention to this.  This is a FINCEN filing and you already do the FIBAR report.  So I think you should be able to add this as an IMPROVEMENT TO THE PROGRAM.


Thank you.

Steven Gore,

Status: New
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