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Comments section in the client display window

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Comments section in the client display window


For a long time I have thought it would be very helpful to have a column in the display window where we could write a short comment about the client.  For example, if a client is missing a W-2 you could note that in the display and not have to open the client to search for missing info.

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That's an interesting point about the comments section in the client display window.

New Member

I checked out https://notesonline.com/ and it seems like a useful tool for managing notes online. When it comes to client interactions, having a clear and user-friendly interface can make a big difference. It's great that you're looking into ways to improve this aspect of your project. One thing to consider is how you can make the comments section more engaging for clients. Perhaps you could add features like emojis or the ability to attach files, depending on your clients' needs. Another idea could be to allow clients to like or reply to comments, creating a more interactive experience.Overall, it's clear that you're thinking about the client experience, which is fantastic. Keep exploring different options and experimenting with new ideas. If you need any more suggestions or feedback, feel free to ask!

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